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NEB/NEBNext? FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit/24 reactions/E6650S
  • NEB/NEBNext? FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit/24 reactions/E6650S

NEB/NEBNext? FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit/24 reactions/E6650S

價格: 試用 市場價: 0.00

貨號: E6650S
品牌: NEB
特別 提示



  • 自營商城 一站式服務
  • 廠家直采 剔除溢價
  • 品質(zhì)甄選 正品保證
  • 嚴控流程 只做188精品
  • 極速物流 如約送貨
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    • View or download extensive performance data in our Data Supplement.FFPE DNA is often compromised in quality and quantity and is a challenging sample type for library prep and sequencing. The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit addresses these challenges in multiple ways:

      • Repairs FFPE-induced damage using the NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix v2
      • Uses NEBNext Ultra II library prep reagents in a protocol optimized for FFPE DNA
      • Robustly amplifies libraries using NEBNext MSTC™ FFPE Master Mix
      • High library yields, sufficient for input into target enrichment workflows
      • User-friendly workflow with minimal hands-on time and multiple safe stopping points

      The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit reduces damage from deamination and oxidation due to the fixation, storage, and extraction process for FFPE DNA samples, thereby reducing false positive variant calls. For further performance improvement, the NEBNext UltraShear FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit (NEB #E6655) also incorporates specialized enzymatic DNA fragmentation.

      FIGURE 1: NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit workflow Image of Workflow
      The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep kit has a streamlined workflow with minimal hands-on time. The protocol has been optimized for the user to safely store the reaction after any step in the workflow overnight at -20°C without affecting library yield or quality.
      FIGURE 2: The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit enables robust library preparation from a range of sample inputs and quality Image of library yield
      Libraries were prepared from 5, 50 or 250 ng of Covaris®-sheared normal tissue FFPE DNA ranging in quality from DNA Integrity Number (DIN) 1.8 to 6.8 with the indicated PCR cycles. Libraries were made in triplicate for 5 and 50 ng input and 1 replicate for 250 ng. Each bar represents the average of triplicates with error bars indicating standard deviation for the 5 and 50 ng inputs. Robust library yields were obtained across sample qualities and input amounts. Most target enrichment workflows require 200 ng of library for hybrid capture input, and sufficient library yield can be obtained using a minimum of 50 ng FFPE DNA with the NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit.
      FIGURE 3: NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit reduces damage-derived sequencing artifacts Image ofartifact reduction graph
      Libraries were prepared from 50 ng of Covaris-sheared normal tissue FFPE DNA of either low (DIN 1.8) or high (DIN 6.8) quality using the NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit and other library prep kits as shown. Libraries were sequenced on the Illumina® NextSeq® 500 (2 x 76 bases). Libraries were downsampled to 600,000 paired-end reads, mapped using bowtie2 (version to the GrCh38 reference, and duplicates marked using Picard MarkDuplicate (version 1.56.0). The average frequency of C→T mutations at each C position in Read 2 was calculated for two technical replicates using Tasmanian (version 1.0.7). C→T mutations arising from cytosine deamination damage in low quality FFPE DNA are effectively repaired by the NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair v2 mix included in the NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit. Other kits show a high level of C→T artifacts in low quality FFPE DNA (DIN 1.8) due to a lack of DNA damage repair.
      FIGURE 4: The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit detects expected variants in formalin-compromised reference standard DNA IMage of charts on expected variants
      Libraries were prepared in triplicate from 50, 100, or 250 ng of Covaris-sheared formalin-compromised reference standard DNA (severe) (Horizon Discovery HD803) using either the NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit or NEBNext Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit. The full library yield was used in a target enrichment workflow with a custom cancer panel (Twist Bioscience®) as a 6-plex capture reaction. Libraries were sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq® 6000 (2 x 100 bases). All fastq files were downsampled to 22 million paired-end reads, mapped using BWA mem (version 0.7.17) to the T2T reference, and duplicates marked using Picard MarkDuplicates (version 1.56.0). Variant allele frequencies (VAF) were calculated from Mpileup using Samtools (version 1.16.1) and plotted against the expected VAF in the Horizon reference DNA. A variant with a frequency of 0.88% was missed at 50 ng input for 1/3 replicates, but all variants were detected in all replicates at 100 and 250 ng input. The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep kit improves the correlation of expected to observed VAF in low input libraries (50 ng) compared to standard library prep (NEBNext Ultra II DNA), indicating the benefit of the yield and coverage obtained with the NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit including repair with NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair v2.
      This product is related to the following categories:
      FFPE DNA,
      Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation
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  • 自營電商,廠家直采

  • 極簡主義,188精品