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NEB/Monarch? RNA Cleanup Kit (500 μg)/10 preps/T2050S
  • NEB/Monarch? RNA Cleanup Kit (500 μg)/10 preps/T2050S

NEB/Monarch? RNA Cleanup Kit (500 μg)/10 preps/T2050S

價格: 試用 市場價: 0.00

貨號: T2050S
品牌: NEB
特別 提示



  • 自營商城 一站式服務(wù)
  • 廠家直采 剔除溢價
  • 品質(zhì)甄選 正品保證
  • 嚴控流程 只做188精品
  • 極速物流 如約送貨
  • 詳情
  • 使用說明
  • 常見問題
    • The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) reliably purifies up to 500 μg of concentrated, high-quality RNA (> 25 nt) from enzymatic reactions and in vitro transcription (IVT) reactions. The kit utilizes a bind/wash/elute workflow with minimal incubation and spin times. The columns ensure zero buffer retention and no carryover of contaminants, enabling elution of sample in volumes as low as 50 μl. Unwanted NTPs and short RNA fragments are removed, ensuring highly pure RNA transcripts following IVT/RNA synthesis. Eluted RNA is ready for use in a variety of downstream applications including RT-PCR, RNA Library Prep for NGS and RNA labelling. The protocol can also be modified to enable the purification of smaller RNA fragments (≥ 15 nt).

      Designed with sustainability in mind, Monarch kits use significantly less plastic and responsibly-sourced, recyclable packaging.

      Monarch RNA Cleanup Kits are also available for 10 µg (NEB #T2030) and 50 µg (NEB #T2040) binding capacities. Columns and buffers are also available separately for convenience.

      Figure 1: Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit workflow

      Specifications and Applications:

      RNA Sample TypeCleanup of RNA from large-scale in vitro transcription reactions
      Binding Capacity500 µg
      RNA Size Range≥ 25 nt ( ≥ 15 nt with modified protocol)
      Typical Recovery70–100%
      Elution Volume50–100 µl
      PurityA260/280 > 1.8 and A260/230 > 1.8
      Protocol Time10–15 minutes of spin and incubation time
      Compatible Downstream ApplicationsRNA Labeling, RNAi, Microinjections, RT-PCR, RNA library prep for NGS, transfection
      RNA Cleanup and Concentration (including from the TRIzol aqueous phase)RNA purified by other methods can be further purified
      Enzymatic Reaction CleanupEnzymes such as RNA polymerases, DNase I, Proteinase K and phosphatases are removed allowing efficient desalting
      In vitro Transcription CleanupEnzymes and excess NTPs are removed to yield highly pure synthesized RNA
      RNA Gel ExtractionPurification of RNA from agarose gels
      RNA FractionationFractionation of RNA into small and large RNA pools

      Figure 2: The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) is suitable for cleaning up large quantities (>250 µg) of RNA from in vitro transcription reactions

      A. RNA transcripts of varying sizes (0.6-8 kb) were synthesized using the HiScribe®; T7 Quick High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit (NEB #E2050) using 1.5-1.8 µg of DNA template for two hours at 37°C. 40 µl of each in vitro transcription IVT) reaction was cleaned up using the Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg, T2050) and eluted in 200 µl. RNA yields were calculated from the resulting A260, measured using a Nanodrop® spectrophotometer and ranged from 268-425 µg of RNA per IVT reaction.B. RNA integrity (200 ng/lane) was assessed on a 1% agarose-TBE gel stained with SYBR® Gold.
      Figure 3: The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) cleans up large-scale in vitro transcription reactions and generates yields consistent with other large-scale cleanup kits

      0.3 and 1.8 kb fragments were in vitro transcribed at 37°C (overnight and 2 hours, respectively) using the HiScribe®; T7 Quick High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit (NEB #E2050). Following DNase I treatment (4 U DNase I, 37°C, 15 minutes), transcription reactions were pooled and 200 µl cleaned up using either the NEB Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) or the MEGAclear Transcription Clean-Up Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). In vitro transcribed RNA was eluted twice with 100 µl of nuclease-free water following a 5-minute on-column incubation (room temperature for Monarch and 65°C for MEGAclear. Recovery of the synthesized RNA transcript was calculated from the resulting A260 using a Trinean Dropsense™ 16. The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) produces similar RNA yields as the MEGAclear Kit for large-scale in vitro transcription reactions.
      Figure 4: RNA recovery is increased by incubating the column with the elution buffer (nuclease-free water) prior to the elution spin

      rRNA (16S and 23S Ribosomal Standard from E.coli, Sigma) was purified using the Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg, NEB #T2050). 100 µl of nuclease-free water was added to the column and incubated for either 0,1,3 or 5 minutes at room temperature before spinning to elute the RNA. The percent recovery of RNA was calculated from the resulting A260 as measured using a Trinean Dropsense™ 16. A five-minute incubation period produced the maximum yield.
      This product is related to the following categories:
      RNA Cleanup Products,
      RNA Reagents Products,
      RNA Extraction & Purification Products,
      Nucleic Acid Purification Products
      This product can be used in the following applications:
      RNA Purification and Isolation,
      RNA Analysis
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