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  • NEB/NEBNext UltraShear?/96 reactions/M7634L

NEB/NEBNext UltraShear?/96 reactions/M7634L

價格: 試用 市場價: 0.00

貨號: M7634L
品牌: NEB
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      Enzymatic methods for DNA fragmentation in NGS workflows enable streamlined protocols, improved performance and scalability. However, specialized fragmentation reagents are required for samples for methylation analysis, to ensure that methylation marks are not removed, and for FFPE DNA. NEBNext UltraShear is a novel enzyme mix designed for fragmentation of these sample types that has a fast workflow and improves library preparation and sequencing metrics for DNA methylation studies and FFPE DNA.NEBNext UltraShear is compatible with NEBNext Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq) (NEB #E7120).NEBNext UltraShear in FFPE DNA sequencing workflows:

      • Improved usable reads
      • Lower artificial mutation frequency

      NEBNext UltraShear for methylated DNA sequencing e.g., EM-seq

      • Higher library yields
      • Improved sequencing metrics
      • Improved CpG Coverage

      Note that for high quality genomic DNA library prep with enzymatic fragmentation, we recommend NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep for Illumina (NEB #E7805, #E6177).

      Figure 1: NEBNext UltraShear increases EM-seq™ library yieldsGraph of Yields
      200 ng, 50 ng and 10 ng of NA12878 DNA spiked with control DNA (CpG methylated pUC19 DNA and unmethylated lambda DNA) were fragmented by either NEBNext UltraShear (20 minutes at 37°C) or Covaris® ME220 (350 bp protocol) followed by EM-seq library preparation. Library yields were quantified using Agilent® TapeStation® with the High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape®. EM-seq libraries fragmented by NEBNext UltraShear have higher yields than Covaris for the same number of PCR cycles for each input (200 ng = 4 cycles; 50 ng = 6 cycles; 10ng=8 cycles).
      Figure 2: Improved CpG coverage in EM-seq libraries produced using NEBNext UltraShearGrid showing improvement
      200 ng, 50 ng and 10 ng of NA12878 DNA spiked with control DNA (CpG methylated pUC19 DNA and unmethylated lambda DNA) was fragmented by either NEBNext UltraShear (20 minutes at 37°C) or Covaris ME220 (350 bp protocol) followed by EM-seq library preparation. Technical replicates were generated for each input amount. All libraries were sequenced on the same flowcell of an Illumina® NovaSeq® 6000 (2 x 100 bases). 725 million reads were sampled (seqtk) from each library for methylation analysis. Reads were adapter trimmed (fastp), aligned to the GRCh38 reference (bwa-meth), and duplicate marked (Picard MarkDuplicates) before calling methylation using MethylDackel. NEBNext UltraShear and Covaris fragmentation used ahead of the EM-seq workflow yielded a similar number of CpGs (~54 million) at minimum 1X coverage. At minimum 10X coverage, more CpGs are identified when NEBNext UltraShear is used, due to improved library diversity and coverage evenness.
      Figure 3: NEBNext UltraShear with FFPE DNA improves usable readsGraph comparing usable reads
      FFPE DNA was fragmented using NEBNext UltraShear (15 minutes at 37°C), Covaris ME220, Kapa EvoPlus® Kit, Kapa HyperPlus® Kit, Agilent SureSelect® Enzymatic Fragmentation Kit, NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase® or NEBNext Ultra II FS. All samples were fragmented according to the respective protocols. Fragmentation with NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase, Kapa kits and the Agilent kit was followed by a bead cleanup and library construction using the NEBNext Ultra II DNA library Prep Kit for Illumina. NEBNext UltraShear and Covaris-sheared samples were followed directly by use of the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina, and NEBNext Ultra II FS samples followed the recommended protocol for library prep. Each library was sequenced using the Illumina NextSeq® 500. 2 million (2 x 76 base) reads were used for this analysis. Reads were aligned to GRCh38 with Bowtie2 and analyzed using samtools flagstats and Picard CollectAlighmentSummaryMetrics. Percent of usable reads (mappable, proper pairs, and non-duplicates reads) were measured for each library and usable reads were averaged for technical replicates (bars represent error between two technical replicates) for all fragmentation methods. FFPE DNA libraries fragmented with NEBNext UltraShear had the highest percent of usable reads and had similar percent usable reads as high-quality DNA libraries (high-quality DNA had a comparable percent of usable reads across all fragmentation methods ≥ 96%; data not shown).
      Figure 4: NEBNext UltraShear with FFPE DNA reduces artificial mutationsGraphs with mutation data
      FFPE DNA was fragmented using NEBNext UltraShear (15 minutes at 37°C), Covaris ME220, Kapa EvoPlus Kit, Kapa HyperPlus Kit, Agilent SureSelect Enzymatic Fragmentation Kit, NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase or NEBNext Ultra II FS. All samples were fragmented according to the recommended protocols. Fragmentation with NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase, Kapa® kits and the Agilent kit was followed by a bead cleanup and NEBNext Ultra II DNA library Prep Kit for Illumina. NEBNext UltraShear and Covaris-sheared samples were followed directly by use of the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina, and NEBNext Ultra II FS samples followed the recommended protocol for library prep. Each library was sequenced using the Illumina NextSeq 500. 2 million (2 x 76 base) reads were used for this analysis. Reads were aligned to GRCh38 with Bowtie2. Artificial C to T mutations were calculated with Tasmanian tool for read 1 and 2 and averaged for technical replicates (bars represent error between two technical replicates). The libraries fragmented with NEBNext UltraShear resulted in the lowest C to T artificial mutation frequency compared to other fragmentation methods for FFPE DNA both reads (R1= Read 1 and R2= Read 2).
      Figure 5: NEBNext UltraShear fragments high-quality genomic DNA in a time-dependent manner Chart of time dependent fragmentation
      50 ng human DNA (NA12878) was fragmented for 5–45 minutes at 37°C followed by 15 minutes at 65°C. Fragmentation occurs during the 37°C incubation step of NEBNext UltraShear. The average fragmentation size and pattern (High Sensitivity D5000 ScreenTape on Agilent TapeStation) is based on fragmentation time.
      This product is related to the following categories:
      FFPE DNA,
      DNA Fragmentation & RNA Fragmentation,
      Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation
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